When we were done Carter was givin his pumpkin hugs and kisses. It was so cute!
Last week we went to the pumkin patch. It was way cool they had tonz of fun stuff to do. The slides were huge. If you can click on this pic to enlarge it you have to Carter's face is priceless! This big one was mine and Carter's fav one! You'd get goin pretty fast! Thats us walkin up.Carter loved the maze! He was running the whole time sayin "dis way, dis way" After we did all that stuff we went on a hay ride and then got to go pick out 3 pumkins. Carter had fun pickin out his pumpkin!
Jerks!! You should have called and invited us. What do we have to do to get an invitation? Move into your house? Ha ha! I'm glad you guys had fun. I can just see Carter kissing his pumpkin. He is such a cutie!
Thanks for finding me! I've added you to my "friends" list. I think I have more people on my blog friend's list than I actually have in real life! Ha ha ha!
Carter makes me laugh!! You are such good parents creating all these fun memories! I love Carters face on the slide! I would have loved to see him climb up that slide with the ropes? :)What a cutie, this is such a fun age!
that place looks like so much fun.. gall we should have gone there instead. Cute pumpkins deeb, you know those aren't going to last untill halloween though, right?
Your little boy is soo cute! No heather doesn't have a blog. We've been trying to get her up and going, but they first need the internet. so whateve! She has a facebook, but doesn't look at it much
How fun! Carter is such a cutie! This time of year is the best!
What a character! You guys look like you are having way too much fun with that cute munchkin of yours!
Oh my gosh I am laughing so hard at his face. I love it it's priceless and the fact that he stressed out about putting in a candle. I just love that little boy so much!
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