Saturday, November 22, 2008


On Fri. me and some of the girls from my family went to go see Twilight! We've all read the books and were excited to go. I know there are some mixed feelings out there about the movie but we all really liked it. I know I'm going to see it again. After the movie we all went out to eat and talked about all the difference's between the book and movie. It was way fun. And I have to give Joel thanks for that night cuz he offered to have all the kids that didn't go to the movie over to the house for a little party of their own. Of course Matt (Sarah's hubby) brought Davis and helped out to. Joel's a stud!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Our busy week

The reason I say it's been a busy week is cuz on the 24th we had the client retreat, the 25th was our anniversary the 27th was Joel's bday on the 30th we had a halloween party the 31st was halloween(obviosly) Carson's baptism on the 1st and all the days in between were filled with work or friends coming over to hang out. It was way fun though!
My mom had surgery earlier this month so I offered to have the family Halloween party at my house this year. I don't have a whole lot of cool pics my sisters took most of them cuz I was busy taking care of other things. So hopefully they'll post em. We did lots of fun stuff we had mummies for dinner and lots of scary food. We did a pinata, bingo and a doughnut eating contest. It was way fun! Thanks to everyone that helped me out!
Here's a pic of Carter. Joel got him to stand in the Heisman trophy position! Obviously he was a football player this year! He's so freakin cute!

Here is Joel's pumkins that I thought were funny. It's one throwing up from drinking to much and the other one is looking at it like ewww. Joel's the coach if you can't tell. At the trunk or treat thing we went to on halloween one of Carter's friends from church was a football so we thought that was perfect and had to take a pic! Carter had fun going around trick or treating. He got tonz of candy. After the trunk or treating was over we went to our house and some friends came over and we all partied it up! So Halloween was fun! Joels Birthday and our Anniversary
For Joels bday his friends made him a cake. What's funny about this cake is that Joel is a Chargers fan and Josh is a Broncos. So it was funny. On Joels bday we had my sister watch Carter so we could go out on a date. We ended up just going to dinner cuz his friends wanted to come over and hang out so we had some people over and partied! So our anniversary was 2 days before Joels bday. I left my camera at his parents house when we dropped Carter off so I don't have any pics. But we had a good weekend. On the 24th we went to my Dad's client retreat that he does every year. It's at the Grand America hotel and this years speker was Frank Abigneal (I'm sure thats spelled wrong) the guy that the movie "Catch me if you can" was about. That was really fun. He was way good speaker. Becca got a pic of us with him so hopefully she'll post it. That night we left Carter at Carols cuz we were leaving the next morning to Park City. That was way fun we shopped, sat in a hot tud and slept in it was way nice! So it was a fun anniversary! Not as cool as last year (it being a cruise and all) but still nice to spend some alone time together! So yeah the last week was way busy.