Sunday, February 1, 2009

Content or just Lame?

So this weekend Joel surprised me with a night away just us 2. I ask the question Content or just lame cuz of what we did. Let me explain.....Joel told me to not make any apts for work on fri or sat cuz he had something planned. We went down to his parents to drop off Carter then off to our hotel. He took me to the hotel Monacco in downtown Salt Lake. And he told me we could do whatever I wanted that night. Joel and I have been renting a t.v series on dvd and watching episodes whenever Carter goes down for bed. Here's why I'm not sure if I'm just happy and content or lame. Cuz of all the places I could choose to go for dinner I chose Chili's (even though Joel said don't worry about the cost). And instead of going out anywhere I wanted to go after dinner I chose to go to the store, get some junk food and watch the tv series in our hotel!! That is really all I wanted to do. So I'm just struggling with the thought that I might be turning into a really lame person. Does having kids do this to everyone? Please say it does. But I need to say thanks to Joel cuz he also signed me up for a massage the next day. So i got to go out to breakfast after sleeping in then go get a massage. So I loved this weekend! I'm just worried I'm lame. What do ya think?
Love ya Joel
And sorry no pics


Kristie said...

What a nice husband! No I don't think your lame. Because that is what I would do. Or maybe I'm lame too!!! ha ha

Barbara said...

I think you're just very normal! Glad you had fun!

tamrandfamily said...

Way to go Joel~
I don't think your lame, any get away from the normal routine is matter what you do :)
Blame it on the pregnancy if you want~that always worked for me :)_

matt and sarah said...

Your husband is so cute. Do you think he could try and rub off on my husband a little? I would have done the same thing. Watching tv/movies in bed without interuption is the best!

lins.e said...

I say LAME!!!!! I would have to say I'd take advantage cuz my hubby would NEVER in a million years do that. YOur one lucky women... I'm with tamra though too, blame it on the pregnancy

besides I'm sure thats not ALL you did... ah ha ha

Dellany Higby said...

It is all about finding joy in the simple things! That is all, not lame, just CONTENT. Plus junk food makes anything more exciting. What a cute hubby you've got, so sweet!

Mary Ellen said...

I think that pretty much sounds like the most perfect weekend!

What would be the alternative? A movie in a gross movie theater? It's not like you are going to go clubbing or anything! I say, take advantage of the nice hotel room.

Randalls said...

Amazing that I have to read my daughters' blogs to find out what's happening in their lives! I didn't even know you went away and I'm your mother!!! (Of course it would have made a difference if I was the grandma whose turn it was to tend, right?) Way to go Joel! You are a sweetie! And, Deb I think you are adorable, not lame at all!!

Amberly said...

I would love an outing like that no matter what we did! Did I read that you're blaming things on pregnancy? Did I miss something or is Tamra just teasing you??

Becca said...

I think I agree with Lindsay you are a little lame. But for the same reason, Phil doesn't do stuff like that often so I jump at the chance to do different things. However I do love watching good shows and hanging out. So I guess half lame, half not. :)

Adrianne said...

How romantic!

Moody Family said...

I think that's awesome!