Saturday, March 21, 2009


So we finally took Carter bowling. We've been wanting to take him for awhile. I guess we never got around to it till now. We went to Fat Cats in Ogden. That's a fun place. They have all sorts of stuff there. We helped him the first few times. Then of course he wanted to do it himself. We got 2 games but by the second he just wanted to sit and eat his pizza. It was cute.

We played some mini golf too. But Carter didn't seem to into it. But he loved playin the arcade games with us.
It was way fun!!


Barbara said...

Who's having more fun in the last picture? Joel or Carter? I don't know, they look like they are in guy heaven!!!

lins.e said...

cute pics miss deb and cute little belly I see there. Dax loves bowling, we should take the boys some time.

Dellany Higby said...

Darling! His little face makes me smile.

tamrandfamily said...

How cute is that!! What a fun family you are!! Way to go Carter~we'll have to all get together and go bowling that would be a blast!

Amberly said...

I love bowling, although I'm horrible at it. Your pics are so cuet. Our bowling alley is scary, so we don't go much. :)

matt and sarah said...

Fun! Why didn't you call us? I'm just kidding, we don't have to be included in everything you do. Carter is so cute! I hope you're looking forward to tomorrow. Davis is going to be a handful!