A big thing that has happened this summer is my parents left on there mission. They went to the Ukraine!! This is a pic of my fam at their farewell. We are getting big I know. This was awhile ago and my parents have been out for about a month. They are doing great! And starting to adapting to the Ukraine.
With my parents leaving we hung out with the fam a lot before they left. The night before they left we had a dinner at Sarah's. This is my parents saying good-bye to Carter that night. He didn't come to the MTC with us so this was his time to say good-bye. Of course I was crying while he was hugging them. Carter didn't really get that this was going to be the last time he saw them for a year and a half. So he just quickly hugged them, said I love you and got back to playin with cousins. But it was a sweet moment for me.
Since my Mom and Dad have been gone we've been able to talk to them on web cams and on the phone so that's been nice. And Carter keeps saying stuff about how Grandma and Grandpa are on a mission. And how they've been gone a long time. It's cute. So I'm grateful for the example my parents are setting for our whole family.