We Blessed Preston on the 11th. It all went really well. Joel did a really good job. The only bad thing was I got really sick the night before so it took everything out of me to get trough the day. But like I said it went well.
So I can't believe we've been married for 7 years. This year we didn't do anything real big. Joel's parents took Carter and mine took Preston for a night. So we went to dinner, went shopping, went on a hike watched movies and slept in the next morning. It was fun! These are pics from our hike! 
My family had our tradtional Halloween party. It was way fun. Everyone dressed up really cute. Becca has more pics of everyone on her blog. So if you wanna see them all check hers out. But this is my cute family!
Preston was the cutest mummy and Carter loved being Dracula
It's not the best pic but he's smiling so I love it
Matt and Sarah filled this thing up and everyone guessed how much was in it to win all of it. Maddy helped Carter guess and he actually won. I would've felt bad about takin it cuz Maddy helped but Joel was actually the 2nd closest. So I figured Carter could feel like he won. His face was so cute.
The famous doughnut eating contest. I thought it was funny that Carter held onto the doughnut. He was just chillin eatin his doughnut as everyone was not using their hands.
Halloween day was fun to. We went trunk or treating. Preston was so good and just slept in my arms while Carter and I went around. Carter was cute and was so polite he'd say Trick or Treat then Thank-you in the cutest voice to every single person.